this chemical is used in the fabrication of…の例文
tianji coal chemical industry group chemical spill
The "'Tianji Coal Chemical Industry Group chemical spill "'was a severe chemical spill that occurred in Shanxi Province, China during 2012-2013.

3d fabrication
As a 2016-2017 Research Resident at Eyebeam, Allahyari worked on a project centered on digital colonialism and 3D fabrication. This process is similar to other 3D fabrication technologies ......

additive fabrication
In 2007, Stratasys supplied 44 % of all additive fabrication systems installed worldwide, making it the unit market leader for the sixth consecutive year.

age fabrication
Since its inception, Miss Universe strictly prohibits age fabrication. Age fabrication is common in the entertainment industry. This situation should not be considered age fabrication as t......

alloy fabrication
Australian industry possesses much of the expertise required to jointly develop the project, especially in areas like the metal and alloy fabrication and electronic system design, By the l......

aluminium fabrication
"' Afco Aluminium Factory "'was founded by Mohammed Farooq Azam in 2000 as an Aluminium fabrication factory. Barely two years latter in 1995, he relinguished that job when he secured anoth......

art fabrication
Horn Massive was built at Visual Arts fabrication Scripps marine science development shop in La Jolla, California. Hema had contracted out her art fabrication work to Vidyadhar Rajbhar ( a......

australian national fabrication facility
"' Australian National Fabrication Facility "'( "'ANFF "') has its headquarters at the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication in Clayton, Victoria.

batch fabrication
Nano fountain probes ( NFPs ) are fabricated on the wafer-scale using microfabrication techniques allowing for batch fabrication of numerous chips. In his work developing similar devices, ......

batch fabrication technique
Batch fabrication technique

chip fabrication
New chip fabrication plants cost dlrs 1 billion or more. Microchip Technology ( formerly Atmel ), is a chip fabrication organization. Meade chip fabrication plant ), and advanced cryptogra......

cimarron fuel fabrication site
In about 1965 Kerr-McGee started producing uranium fuel at its Cimarron Fuel Fabrication Site. She worked at the Kerr-McGee Cimarron Fuel Fabrication Site plant near Crescent, Oklahoma, Un......

composite fabrication
Composite fabrication usually involves wetting, mixing or saturating the matrix, and then causing the matrix to bind together ( with heat or a chemical reaction ) into a rigid structure. W......

composites fabrication
Composite fabrication usually involves wetting, mixing or saturating the matrix, and then causing the matrix to bind together ( with heat or a chemical reaction ) into a rigid structure. W......

concrete fabrication
"' Gate Concrete Products "'manufactures hollow core concrete fabrication at facilities in Jacksonville, Florida and Pearland, Texas. For him dinosaurs were antediluvian monsters resemblin......

cpu fabrication
In CPU fabrications, a die shrink always involves an advance to a lithographic nodes ( thus called a " half-node shrink " ) before further shrink to the lower ITRS-defined nodes occurs, wh......

device fabrication
Existing dedicated industrial synchrotron light facilities with applications including semiconductor device fabrication. :For Intel, " fab " refers to semiconductor device fabrication. The......

digital fabrication
In fall 2015, the Digital Fabrication Laboratory opened. MacDonald uses digital fabrication processes to produce sculptural and geometrically complex forms and environments. Current effort......

digital modeling and fabrication
Open manufacturing may also include digital modeling and fabrication and computer numeric control ( CNC ) of the machines used for production through open source software and open source h......

during fabrication
Waterjet cutting is often used during fabrication of machine parts. Beta C is relatively easy to melt and process during fabrication, when compared with other beta alloys. In addition, the......

electron beam free form fabrication
The methods being investigated include coatings that can be sprayed on surfaces in space using a combination of heat and kinetic energy, and electron beam free form fabrication of parts.

electron beam freeform fabrication
Overall, Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication is a layer-additive technique that offers potential for improvements in cost, weight, and performance to enhance mission success for aircraft, l......

"This is sheer fabrication, " he said. He called the arrest reports a " fabrication ." His reputation as a strong-franc opponent is a fabrication. Finance Minister Thanong Bidaya on Monday......

fabrication and testing
Structural engineering scale models can use different approaches to satisfy the similitude requirements of scale model fabrication and testing. In doing so, he supervised large scale radar......

fabrication by
However, this story is a fabrication by Neubauer himself, a well-known raconteur. They are the usual fabrications by the international media and white farmers. Many historians believe that......